Sustainability Policy on Donations and Funding
WCC is committed to fostering sustainable development through its charitable activities. This Donations and Funding Policy aims to provide an outline for accepting, managing, and allocating donations and funding. This policy underscores our commitment to ethical and impactful giving that enhances community welfare and supports the institution's mission.
The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework for the acceptance and management of donations and funding to ensure that World Citi Colleges (WCC) promotes sustainability, ethical practices, and transparency in all financial dealings. This policy aims to support the institution’s mission while fostering long-term relationships with donors.
This policy applies to all donations and funding received by WCC, including cash contributions, in-kind donations, grants, and sponsorships from individuals, corporations, foundations, and other entities.
Transparency: WCC commits to transparent communication regarding its funding sources, allocation of funds, and the impact of donations.
Accountability: All funds will be managed responsibly and in alignment with WCC’s mission, values, and goals.
Sustainability: Donations and funding initiatives should contribute to the long-term sustainability of WCC and support educational programs that have a positive impact on the community.
Ethical Standards: WCC will only accept donations that align with its values and ethical standards.
Community Impact: WCC funding will prioritize initiatives that have a measurable positive impact on the community, including scholarships, infrastructure improvements, and programs to promote social equity. We will also encourage students, faculty, and community members to participate in identifying funding needs that align with sustainability goals.
We establish procedures and criteria for accepting, acknowledging, and allocating donations to ensure all contributions align with the principles and allocated funds are utilized for their intended purposes.
We periodically evaluate the funded programs to determine their outcomes and the effectiveness of funded projects and make necessary adjustments to improve future funding strategies.
We have annual reports summarizing donations received, funding allocations, and the impact of these contributions on sustainability efforts. This report will be shared with relevant stakeholders and the broader community to maintain transparency and accountability.
This policy will be reviewed annually and may be amended as necessary to reflect changes in legal requirements, best practices, or organizational needs. World Citi Colleges is dedicated to fostering a culture of sustainability in its funding practices. This Sustainable Donations/Funding Policy ensures that WCC can continue to serve its students and community effectively while building lasting relationships with its donors.